On View May 2 – October 20, 2024
Flight of Daedalus
2024, Cedar and Steel Cable
Design by: Isabelle Tolar
Participating Students:
Connor Behrenbruch, Tiernan Cook, Shannon Corrie, Savanna Doiel, Sophia Flores, River Hetzel, Darja Jaceva, Nate Larson, Kelsey Lobb, Max McMann, Eun Mi Lam, Natalie Morris, Reece Pierce, Abby Rist, Riley Summers, Michele Swisher, Isabelle Tolar, Sarah Voelkelt, Jacey West, Jodee Whitehead, Natalia Wolanska
Faculty Instructors: Katie Caron and Sarah McCormick
Located on the High Line Canal Trail at mile marker 30 near the High Line Canal Conservancy headquarters located at 4010 E. Orchard Rd., Centennial, CO 80121.
This site-specific Design and Build outreach installation was created collaboratively by students from Arapahoe Community College in partnership with the High Line Canal Conservancy and the Museum of Outdoor Arts. This work was designed by Isabelle Tolar and produced and installed collaboratively by students from the 3D Design and Capstone courses in the ACC Art and Design Center located in downtown Littleton. Students drew silhouettes of native bird species that make the High Line region their home. Cut out of cedar and suspended in air, the cast shadows of these birds along the fence line is inspired by the movement of local pedestrians along the 71-mile canal.
The title of this piece references Greek mythology. Daedalus was a skilled craftsman and inventor in Greek mythology. He was known for creating the Labyrinth on the island of Crete to imprison the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull creature. Daedalus was also famous for his invention of wings made of feathers and wax. He gave these wings to his son, Icarus, and himself to escape from Crete. However, despite warnings from his father not to fly too close to the sun, Icarus became overconfident and soared too high. The heat melted the wax holding his wings together, and he fell into the sea and drowned. Daedalus, grief-stricken, continued his flight to safety, ultimately reaching the island of Sicily.
Special thanks to Denver Water for providing access to the art installation site for this project. Funding for this project was provided by the Museum of Outdoor Arts with support from the SCFD, Colorado Creative Industries and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Design and Build films directed by Zach Wolfson
Exhibition Information

Students gained technical experience using laser cutting technology while producing this project.