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International Sculpture Day

International Sculpture Day (ISDay) is a worldwide celebration event to further the International Sculpture Center’s (ISC) mission of advancing the creation and understanding of sculpture and its unique, vital contribution to society. ISDay occurs on the last Sunday of April every year. Anyone or any organization with an appreciation and commitment to the field of sculpture is invited to participate.

In 2001, MOA acquired 31 pieces from the ISC, many of which are on exhibit within MOA’s Sculpture Alley. For more information, please visit the Englewood Outdoor Collection and scroll down to the ‘Sculpture Alley” location.

Follow our Instagram stories @outdoorarts for our ISDay art drop hints.  Be the first to find unique artwork hidden within our public art collection!

Use #ISDay on your favorite sculpture photos and sculpture adventures to participate in ISDay.


International Sculpture Day logo

MOA’s ISDay Video Showcase